Another beautiful day at Palm Desert park! The Potter's are a beautiful, fun family and it shows in their pictures! Heather knew exactly what she wanted and that made things go so smoothly! Their girls have so much personality and spunk! I loved it!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Potters Family Photos
Kaden's Christmas Photos - 6 Months
This was one of the first photo shoots of the Christmas card picture season! It has been very busy, so let's catch up. This is Keri & Kevin Johnson's adorable little guy, Kaden. He is such a flirt and has such an adorable smile. Can't wait for the next round with the whole family. Thanks guys, it was a fun day!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Citrus Club Event- Novemeber 21, 2009
Well the good news is I have been super busy. The bad news is because of that, I have been lacking on my updating skills so allow me to show you what I have been working on these last few weeks starting with the Citrus Club season opening event. This was a beautiful venue and a very creative themed party. It was a 1940's theme. I shot the event that evening and also got to do some staged shots for the website with models dressed in 1940's style clothes. Here they are, check them out for yourself:
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Noe & Kelly Tie the Knot
A beautiful wedding of two beautiful people! Good job Kelly, everything was perfect! All your hard work paid off. I wish i would have taken some more shots, but I was having too much fun! Thanks for sharing your special day with me!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Adding to my gear
So excited to get my new lens, just ordered it yesterday:
Nikon 50mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Risk Family Photo Shoot
You have to love little boys that are so full of energy and do only what "they" want to do! I love Ryland and Tyler, they are such adorable little boys, but they don't love their auntie when she comes around with that camera. They generally like to run the other direction from me. :) All in all, it was a beautiful day and we still managed to capture some great shots! Love you guys!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Baby Rylee - October 24, 2009

The Beginning
Welcome to House of Designs Photography blog. I am excited to be expanding my business and sharing all the fun things that are going on in my world! I am hoping that here I will be able to share with my clients, friends, family and those of you who have stumbled across this, the beautiful photos that I have had the privilege of capturing and all the fun and amazing stories that are behind them. I hope you all enjoy!
Stephanie Cardona